Saturday, November 9, 2013

Search the rest:audio video and images cybertour

Greg Notess, Montana State University

Pic worth a thous words

Images for info
Videos n audio for learning

Can sometimes find deep web, or authoritative text a simple google search buries. Click through the pic for the website/text

Use for a Visual id. What is a Petrel?
  Use query to see a petrel. Remember though, 10% images are wrong in bing and google

Find Charts, diagrams, graphs
  Myocaster distribution

Image similarity search filter option. Defaults to similarity of color first. Enter keyword to get true theme

Google image search   Use camera icon to upload an image
See search tools more info in Preview
Use this to check for exactly same image for copyright violation or Creative Commons reuse statistics.

Tineye -reverse image search
Upload image or web address. Can use to find similar image collections or where your pics have been reused on the interwebs.

Finding Creative Commons licensed images
-Google. Advanced image search. Usage rights free to use or share option. 
-Wikimedia commons
-Flickr advanced search. Cc license
-Bing images.  License tab

Uses: Learning (how-to), visual processes, event activities (recent and old)

Bing video
InternetArchive: US tv news and also movies

Duration, closed caption, source
YouTube filters

No audio database yet that he's found
Do youtube and video searching for audio
InternetArchive audio

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