Wednesday, November 13, 2013

What's up for 2014 - Stephen Abram Cybertour

Stephen Abram. Stephen's lighthouse blog for slides

Here's some things he thinks libraries should think about doing or being involved in during 2014!

  • Moocs.
Potential for 28-38% of universities to be bankrupt within 10 years
Khan Academy
Learn4life. High school equivalent; ed2go Growing 400% a month
Libraries can be the place people go to receive their certification testing or badges (be a facilitator of a program or developer of a program or both) a proctor+. 

  • Some social media sites to watch:
SomeeCards. Show personality of the library culture
Snapchat. Personality of the library 
Tumblr get a connection to teen boys
Pinterest. Middle age women. Promote books

  • Cloud storage, infrastructure and software:
Get 60-80% savings to IT costs (less server and software installation and maintenance)
"Online server backups pretty freaking secure. Govt use it why aren't you?"

  • Cloud data for curated data warehousing:
Oclc worldshare
DPLA. Discoverability of free metadata

  • Visualization. Primary learning styles for visual learning. We need to provide visual displays
Word clouds
Cube technologies
Visual search

  • User experience- eye frame studies
Are you displaying next step search for a visual learner?

  • Do Sentiment search on social media sites:
Look for Bias. Analytics for political focus or positive/negative sentiment
Facets. Critical thinking

  • Use good Infographics 
Extract real stuff impacts out of annual reports
Useful for fun extractions. Here's the 10 pieces of info I want you to get out of this annual report or program or new piece of information.

  • 3d printing 
Many Patents expire soon
Smithsonian. Take pic of boat, scan, print model on 3d printer
Library collection -good for looking for inspiration for students/artists
Get girls engaged with STEM stuff

  • Arduino. Raspberry Pi
Create a laser gate counter for next to nothing using arduino
Dimensional toys as tools to connect with all ages!

  • Librarybox
Hotspot. -
Kelaine insert:  I'm so glad to hear him mention this...validates my Little Free Digital Library idea for local author audiobook/poetry marketing/promotion

  • Crowd funding Libraries are using

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